- Ben Sira’s View of Women: A Literary Analysis. Brown Judaic Studies, No. 38. Chico, CA: Scholars Press, 1982. [available here]
- The Student’s Complete Vocabulary Guide to the Greek New Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1992.
- Published Pottery of Palestine. Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1996. (co-authored with Larry G. Herr) [available here]
- Complete Vocabulary Guide to the Greek New Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1998. (Revised edition of The Student’s Complete Vocabulary Guide to the Greek New Testament) [available here]
- A Concise Dictionary of New Testament Greek. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. [available here]
- Ben Sira’s View of Women: A Literary Analysis. Digital edition. Providence, RI: Brown Judaic Studies, 2020. [read it here]
- Veltman, Fred. Full Report of the Life of Christ Research Project (1988). Abridged edition by Warren C. Trenchard. An electronic, self-publication, 2023. [read it here]
- The Desire of Ages and Its Sources. Condensed Edition of “Life of Christ Research Project Report” by Fred Veltman. Westlake Village, CA: Oak & Acorn, 2023. [available here]
- A City of Two Tales and Other Essays on Ellen Harmon White. Westlake Village, CA: Oak & Acorn, 2024. [available here]
- Hoyt, Frederick G. Elder Israel Dammon’s Wild Maine Show of February 1845: A Critique of a Regrettably Long Delayed Official Response. Edited by Warren C. Trenchard. An electronic, self-publication, 2024. [read it here]
- Burgeson, Ruth Elizabeth. A Comparative Study of the Fall of Man as Treated by John Milton and Ellen G. White. Edited by Warren C. Trenchard. An electronic, self-publication, 2025.[read it here]
Published Articles, Book Chapters, and Papers (selected)
- “Two Men Named Jesus.” The Ministry 47 (May 1974): 12–13. [read it here]
- “Mary and the Impossible.” These Times 84 (October 1975): 30–31.
- “Patrick, the Irish Apostle.” Signs of the Times 106 (March 1979): 16–18. [read it here]
- “A Response to Raoul Dederen’s ‘Authoritative Teaching Decisions in the Seventh-day Adventist Church.’” In Papers of the 1980 Theological Consultation.
- “In the Shadow of the Sanctuary: The 1980 Theological Consultation.” Spectrum 11 (November 1980): 26–30. [read it here]
- “Galatians: None Other Gospel.” Adventist Review 161 (12 April 1984): 7–9. [read it here]
- “From Galilee to the Garden Tomb.” Signs of the Times (May 1985): 13.
- “First Peter: Facing Persecution with Joy.” Adventist Review 162 (3 October 1985): 10–11. [read it here]
- “Tell el-‘Umeiri Field Locus Sheets.” In Madaba Plains Project: The 1987 Season at Tell el-‘Umeiri and Vicinity and Subsequent Studies. Edited by Larry G. Herr, et al. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 1991. Pages 441–600. (Co-authored with R. William Cash). [read it here]
- “A Roman Lamp from Morningside,” Alberta Archaeological Review, no. 23 (Fall 1991): 16–17. (co-authored with Larry G. Herr)
- “Adventist Scholars Meet in Washington, D.C.: The Adventist Society for Religious Studies.” Adventist Review 171 (10 March 1994): 20–21. [read it here]
- “La Sierra Business Meeting: Ordain Halcyon and Madelynn Now.” Spectrum 25 (December 1995): 54–57. [read it here]
- “Symbol of Solidarity and Diversity.” Adventist Review 174 (13 March 1997): 12–15. [read it here]
- “The Interpretation of the Old Testament in the New: Isaiah, Matthew, and the Virgin.” Spectrum 28 (Winter 2000): 16–23. (co-authored with Larry G. Herr) [read it here]
- Six articles in Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2000: “Barabbas,” “Bishop,” “Deacon,” “Deaconess,” “Joseph,” and “Nicolaus.” [available here]
- “Madaba Plains Project: Tall al-‘Umayri.” American Center of Oriental Research Newsletter 12/1 (2000): 5–6. (Co-authored with Douglas R. Clark, Larry G. Herr, and Lawrence T. Geraty)
- “Tall al-‘Umayri.” American Journal of Archaeology 105/3 (2001): 439–440. (Co-authored with Douglas R. Clark and Larry G. Herr)
- “Madaba Plains Project: Excavations at Tall al-‘Umayri, 2000.” Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 45 (2001): 237–252. (Co-authored with Douglas R. Clark and Larry G. Herr)
- “Madaba Plains Project: Tall al-‘Umayri, 2000.” Andrews University Seminary Studies 40 (2002): 105–123. (Co-authored with Douglas R. Clark and Larry G. Herr) [read it here]
- “For the Beauty of the Earth: An Adventist Theology of Ecology,” Spectrum 31 (Summer 2003): 31–45. [read it here]
- “Adventist Education in the Twenty-first Century.” In Peril and Promise: Adventist Education at the Crossroads. Edited by Clinton Valley, et al. Riverside, CA: Center for Research on K-12 Adventist Education, 2012. Pages 117–126.
- “From ‘Foolish Gentiles’ to ‘My Little Children,’” Spectrum, August 25, 2017 [read it here]
- “Authorship of Hebrews: Reviewing Cortez’s Case,” Parts 1-4, Spectrum, March 3–23, 2022. [read it here]
- “The Biblical Fiction of Ellen White,” Spectrum 50:3 (Fall 2022): 5–13.
- “The Loma Linda Years (1967-1990).” In Higher Ground: A Centennial History of La Sierra University. Edited by Andrew Howe. Riverside, CA: La Sierra University, 2022. Pages 77–117.
- “Becoming La Sierra University (1990-2022).” In Higher Ground: A Centennial History of La Sierra University. Edited by Andrew Howe. Riverside, CA: La Sierra University, 2022. Pages 119–160.
- “What Does It Mean to Be University.” In Higher Ground: A Centennial History of La Sierra University. Edited by Andrew Howe. Riverside, CA: La Sierra University, 2022. Pages 161–163.
- “Reading the Household Codes in Colossians and Ephesians Today.” April 18, 2023. [read it here]
- “Revelation 14:6-12 and the Case for Preterism,” Spectrum, May 5, 2023. [read it here]
- “Rice and Peckham: A Comparison of Two Introductory College Textbooks on Theology,” Spectrum 52:1 (Spring 2024): 61–71. [read it here]
- “Seventh-day Adventists and the Remnant,” Adventist Today 32.2 (Spring 2024): 16–19. (read it here]
- “Analyzing Support Texts for Adventist Fundamental Belief #8: The Great Controversy,” Spectrum, May 28, 2024. [read it here]
- “A Report That Deserves to Be Available and Studied,” Pacific Union Recorder 124.7 (Jul 2024): 22–23. (read it here)
- “The Problem With the Ten Commandments in Public Schools,” Adventist Today 32.3 (Summer 2024): 29. [read it here]
- “A Focused Study of the Official Text and Texts of the Sanctuary Belief,” Spectrum 52:3 (October 22, 2024): 61–72. [read it here]
Books, Articles, and Chapters in Progress, Submitted for Publication, or in Press
- Stories in the Gospels and Their Development. (in progress)
- Twenty-one articles for The Seventh-day Adventist International Biblical Theological Dictionary. (in press–BRI)
- “Cosmic Conflict in the Gospels Tradition: Evidence from Q and Mark.” (in press–ASRS)
- “The Idea of Koinonia in the New Testament.” (in press–S)
- “Prophecy and Ellen White in Seventh-day Adventist Theology.” (in press–S)
- Studies in the Gospels and Other Biblical Research. (submitted for publication–TTC)
- “The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary and Extra-biblical, Fictional Material in the Writings of Ellen White.” (submitted for publication–S)
- “When Huldah Went to College” (in press–AT)
- “Adventists, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and ‘The Celestial Railroad'” (in press–AT)
- “Jesus as High Priest in the Letter to the Hebrews” (submitted for publication–AT)
- “An Adventist Theology of the Earth.” (submitted for publication–SPD)
- “Advent and the Kingdom of God” (submitted for publication–AT)
- Review of Aune, David E. Jesus and the Synoptic Gospels: A Bibliographic Study Guide. In Andrews University Seminary Studies 20 (1982): 69-70.
- Review of Hayes, John H., and Holladay, Carl R. Biblical Exegesis: A Beginner’s Handbook. In Andrews University Seminary Studies 23 (1985): 62-63.
- Review of Ferguson, Everett, ed. Early Christianity and Judaism. Studies in Early Christianity, no. 6. In Andrews University Seminary Studies 33 (1995): 120-22.
Other Publications
- Today’s Youth Bible Discovery Guide, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1972 (Youth Sabbath School Quarterly on Romans).
- A Classification Scheme for Adventists and Ellen White: A Modification of the Library of Congress
Religion Schedules, BX 6101 – 6189 (Co-authored with Keith Clouten) May 1984. [access it here; for a peer review, click here]